Saturday 30 June 2012

Sherman Swingers

No, Sherman Cymru hasn't started a swing band or swing dance classes (although both would be fun), they really are throwing a swingers party. On Friday 20 July, random pairings, created through the age-old method of keys in a bowl, will be spending the night together, but instead of bodily fluids these party-goers will be sharing ideas as they put together a new piece of theatre. They will then have less than two days to perfect their work, before presenting them to the public on Sunday afternoon.

Twenty writers (including BAFTA-winning Helen Griffin who I recently interviewed), ten directors and over forty actors will be involved, representing some of the best Welsh talent. Not only is this a one-off chance to experience these unique collaborations, it's also a rare opportunity to see the underbelly of Sherman Cymru, beyond the theatres. Each of the works will be written specifically for an area of the building other than the usual performance spaces, again chosen at random through the key bowl.  Having visited the dressing rooms, the wardrobe cupboard, the electricians' lair and so on during the Sherman Cymru Open House I'm very intrigued by what the teams will come up with to fill these spaces. The works will be presented in two tours around the building, each one lasting roughly an hour.

For tickets and a full list of the writers and directors involved see here.

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