Tuesday 28 August 2012

English Language Centre Social Programme: Week 3

So, Week 3 has been and gone - we are whizzing through the summer. I can't believe that it's now less than a month until I leave Bath and begin my PhD adventure. Eee! I feel like I say this every week, but once again we were manic in the office, so there wasn't much time for getting out and about with the students.

Whoever says British immigration regulations are lax clearly hasn't tried to register 200 new international students. Not only do we need to check everyone's visas when they arrive and all of their academic documents to check they 'deserve' to be here; they also need to register with the police, a tortuously long process which includes writing down every school they have ever been to. We also had three Bank Holiday trips to prepare for as well as three at the weekend. 

However, I did have my best night of the Social Programme so far on Thursday. Our official activity was a salsa class, taught my a very creepy man with a terrifying voice. Needless to say, I was happy to get out of there, although I did enjoy watching the dance skills of some of the students. Afterwards, we went to The Salamander, one of Bath's friendliest little independent pubs before heading to Moles for Stereo Types, their indie disco. I had been pestering everyone to go to indie disco all week, as I'm fed up with the conventional club music and to share the music I love with the students. I'm so glad we went as I loved just about every song and so did the students :D

The last remaining revellers at end of the night, with a photobombing member of staff
Then on Friday night we got a real treat - tickets to Bath Rugby vs Cardiff Blues at the Rec. I've really gotten in to rugby later - it's much more fun to watch than football. It was great to show the students a sport that is so typical and popular in our region of England, which many of them had never seen before. The fact that Bath won was the cherry on top!

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