Friday 11 May 2012


In all of the production's publicity, ELWYN is capitalised, as if it's being shouted at you. It seems inappropriate for such an inoffensive work, or indeed the shy and retiring title character. In fact, ELWYN is a sweet, heart-warming play about overcoming obstacles and the power of friendship.

A co-production between the Wales Theatre Company and Aberystwyth Arts Centre, ELWYN started out as the novel Blood Brothers (nothing to do with the musical) by Norwegian Ingvar Ambjornsen, which was then made into the award-winning 2005 film Elling. Elling in turn has been adapted to the stage in over twenty countries. Having created an extremely successful German version, acclaimed director Michael Bogdanov now brings the story to Wales. It has become an extremely local story, even referencing Chapter Arts Centre and Karen 'Media Wales' Price.

At its heart though, the story remains unchanged. Elwyn (Russell Gomer) is a 40-something mummy's boy who spent his entire life at home with mother until her death when he was taken into a rehabilitation centre. There he shares a room with Kelly (Ieuan Rhys), who is obsessed with food and sex, but only ever gets the former. When the authorities decide it's time to release them back into society, the unlikely friendship between the two characters helps them to overcome the new challenges life throws at them. Rhys is incredibly funny while Gomer does a great job balancing the two sides to Elywn, his neurotic real self and his suave, man-of-the-world fantasy. Strong support from Bethan Thomas and Bill Belamy in various roles rounds off a small but perfectly formed cast.

ELWYN is described as 'a comedy for grown-ups'. While there is a steady stream of chuckles and some real laugh-out-loud moments, for me the play is much more interesting in sociological terms: it's a really poignant insight into how people cope with new and difficult situations. I also really enjoyed the music, but I probably shouldn't admit to sharing music taste with a 42 year old man who spent most of his life clinging to his mother's apron strings!

ELWYN is at Sherman Cymru until 12 May 2012, then continues touring Wales until 19 May.

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