“Is that a seagull?”
“It’s just a bird. A stupid fucking bird”.
After the thoroughly traditional Newsies on Broadway, I was ready for something a bit more
transgressive when I reached D.C. As the title would suggest, Stupid Fucking Bird, Aaron Posner's postmodern take on Chekhov’s The Seagull,
certainly didn’t disappoint.
The play itself questions the form and purpose of theatre just as Chekhov had done with his original over a century before, while bringing Chekhov's famous subtext out into the open. It is self-reflexive, self-referential, and completely breaks the
fourth wall, frequently addressing the audience for input. Further nods to Chekhov include a small
pile of leaves hinting at the bucolic setting of his plays, and Banksy style mural of the great Russian playwright on the back wall.
Just like Chekhov's Konstantin, the main character Conrad (Brad Koed) expresses his belief that theatre – at least
in Eastern Europe in the late 19th century - used to have the power to change society.
‘Why would you want to change the world?’ asks Dev (Darius Pierce), the most grounded character in the production. The question, like the production as a whole, makes us consider what we, as an audience, want to get out of the theatre. While Stupid Fucking Bird won't change the world, it did give me everything I want from a play. Despite the
distancing effect of all this experimentation with form, there are still
moments when the audience completely lose ourselves in the play; there is shock,
happiness, despair and a whole lot of laughs, interlaced with really thought-provoking moments. I was incredibly impressed that one production could have so many
different effects on me. Since I saw the production, on the second night of previews, it has unsurprisingly garnered rave reviews.
I later learned that Woolly Mammoth is just one of a host of
new experimental theatres that have popped up in D.C. in recent years.
Apparently new zoning laws make it far more economically beneficial for
developers to turn the first few floors of their new buildings into public arts
spaces. If the quality of productions at Woolly Mammoth is anything to judge by, it would seem this law is paving the way for a new wave of exciting, experimental theatre in D.C. It makes me wish the city weren't quite so far away!
Stupid Fucking Bird runs at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Co, Washington D.C. until June 23 2013. Full information and tickets are available here.
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